best way to stay connected to cali: continue my obsessions across the pond. back home, i was in a committed relationship with chocolate covered expresso beans. here, i have started seeing (quite seriously, might i add) chocolate/yogurt covered banana chips, chocolate covered hazelnuts, and chocolate/yogurt covered brazil nuts. i think it might be love
best place to wander around in london: borough market. one of things i appreciate most about my location is how close it is to this farmers' market. the entire place makes me homesick for sf and the pride that people have in advocating for sustainable food systems. it's a wonderful place to just get lost and explore. still quite different from markets in sf, though: less emphasis on environmentally friendly growing methods and organic foods. much more beer, sweets, and meat. funny how different farmers markets really highlight differences in community tastes and values.
cheap therapy: walking to/from school to my flat/hobbit hole has turned out to be the best way to clear my mind and get some "exercise" in. every day the walk is equal parts tiring and surreal.
a view of the thames
my hood. very diagon alley. note the starbucks at the corner.
card sold at the local convenience store. i kinda love it?
worst discovery for mediterranean food addiction: halloumi cheese. chewy and salty, it rivals feta in its tastiness. something (my belly) tells me this is where my future pounds (in two senses) will be going:
procrastinator killer: this world food crisis infographic . potential information for thesis? who knows. maybe this will be enough to get me to stop reading my google reader and start doing some growth and development econ reading.
best and worst part of getting sick: i'm starting to cook real meals. this, friends, is couscous, brussel spouts, cauliflower, an egg (needed the protein some how), a chicken boullion cube, hot sauce, and hummus. kinda, sorta tasty.
best accidental discovery: dalton ghetti's alphabet tips in the "power of making" exhibit at the victoria and albert museum. originally came to see the "style and subversion" photography exhibit which was interesting, but the next day I mostly thought about this:
also spotted: a pair of Alexander McQueen's armadillo shoes, a 3D printer, and a pretty dress woven from cassette tape.