Friday, November 11, 2011

hot chocolate + sweets = happy jen

best place to end the day: fleet river bakery. This lovely corner of the earth happens to be hosting a hot chocolate festival this month for which each day a different hot chocolate flavor (white chocolate, toasted hazelnut, coconut, etc) is served. i've found that attempts to stop by and "check out" the flavor of the day usually end up with me 2.5 pounds poorer and 5 minutes late to class (but oh sooo happy!) 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

food for thought

best place to get my "responsible eater" on: food for thought. with a menu that changes daily, amazing desserts (there shall be an entire post devoted to the fruit scrunchy quite shortly), and most dishes around 4 pounds,  this vegetarian restaurant has become a favorite. 
mixed salad
a friend's scone! mmhm.